I'm glad to call it 'radical Islamism': Under weight from Trump Hillary trench Obama and locations Orlando attacker's religion
Under weight from Donald Trump to interface the Orlando slaughter with the attacker's religion, Hillary Clinton broke with President Barack Obama today and characterized the strike as 'radical Islamism.'
Trump had been bothering Obama and Clinton to call the shooting spree at the gay night club early Sunday morning what it is - 'radical Islamic terrorism.'
At the beginning of today, on Today, Clinton gave him what he needs and said, 'To me radical jihadism, radical Islamism, I think they mean the same thing. I'm glad to say either, yet that is not the point.
'So much discussion and demagoguery and talk is not going to take care of take care of the issue,' the Democratic presidential competitor said. 'I'm not going to vilify and rabble rouser and proclaim war on a whole religion. That is out and out risky and it plays into ISIS' hands.'
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